Genre: Young Adult, LGBT, Comic, Superheroes
Claire has always wanted to work with superheroes, from collecting Warrior Nation cards as a kid to drafting "What to Say to a Hero" speeches in her diary. Now that she's landed a coveted internship with the Chicago branch of Warrior Nation, Claire is ready to prove she belongs, super or not. But complicating plans is the newest WarNat hero, Girl Power (aka Joy), who happens to be egotistical and self-important . . . and pretty adorable.
Bridgette, meanwhile, wants out of WarNat. After years of dating the famous Vaporizer (aka Matt), she's sick of playing second, or third, or five-hundredth fiddle to all the people-in-peril in the city of Chicago. Of course, once Bridgette meets Claire-who's clearly in need of a mentor and wingman-giving up WarNat becomes slightly more complicated. It becomes a lot more complicated when Joy, Matt, and the rest of the heroes go missing, leaving only Claire and Bridgette to save the day.
In this fresh and funny take on the world of supers, author Crystal Cestari spotlights what it's like to be the seemingly non-super half of a dynamic duo with banter-filled romance and bold rescues perfect for readers seeking a great escape.

I live just outside Chicago with my daughter. My likes include ice cream and bulldogs, and dislikes span from broccoli to wet sneakers on linoleum (the worst). I always carry around a notebook to scribble down ideas. Writing longhand works best for me (even though it's the slowest method ever) because looking at a blank piece of paper is somehow less intimidating than a blank screen. Plus, there are so many pretty notebooks and pens to doodle with!
The Best Kind of Magic is my first YA novel, and I can't wait to share it! Shoot me a message if you'd like; happy reading, fellow Goodreader!
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