Tour Schedule: Spiked (Spliced #3) by Jon McGoran

/ Apr 14, 2020


(Spliced #3)
by Jon McGoran
Publisher: Holiday House
Release Date: May 5, 2020
Genre: Young Adult, Sci-Fi, Dystopian
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A plan for peace turns into a fight for survival in the third book of the acclaimed sci-fi thriller series. 

Committed to both peace and human rights for chimeras--people who alter themselves with animal DNA--seventeen-year-old Jimi Corcoran is torn when she's invited to a gathering of moderate pro- and anti-chimera rights activists seeking to find common ground. But when a militant chimera rights group prevents her from attending--and saves her from being killed by the bomb they've planted--Jimi herself falls under suspicion for the blast.

Seeking to clear her name, Jimi and her chimera boyfriend, Rex, investigate the mysterious group. . . . only to discover that her involvement is no accident. As they dig deeper, they're drawn into a whirlwind of secret identities, shocking experiments, and an apocalyptic plot that threatens the future of humanity.

In this thrilling conclusion to Jon McGoran's timely and heavy-hitting Spliced series, extremists on both sides square off in an escalating battle between competing visions of the future of humanity, and of the Earth. Set in a near-future society where science is both celebrated and vilified, the Spliced series tackles weighty questions about genetic manipulation, artificial intelligence, population control--and when, if ever, revolution is worth a life.

Book 1 & 2

Jon McGoran is the author of Spliced, a near-future YA science fiction thriller that Kirkus calls, “Timely, thrilling, and more than a little scary.” Splintered, the sequel to Spliced, is now available in bookstores everywhere. Look for Spiked, the final book in the trilogy, coming May 2020.  
McGoran’s other books include the acclaimed ecological thrillers DriftDeadout, and Dust Up, as well as The Dead Ring, based on the hit TV show, The Blacklist. Writing as D. H. Dublin, he is also the author of the forensic thrillers Body TraceBlood Poison and Freezer Burn
When not writing novels and short fiction or cohosting The Liars Club Oddcast, McGoran works as a freelance writer, developmental editor, and writing coach. Freelance samples and ore information are available here. He also works with Anne Dubuisson to offer a more comprehensive range of publishing and editing services. For more information, email

April 27th

April 28th

L.M. Durand- Guest Post

April 29th

April 30th

Back Shelf Books- Interview

May 1st

  • 1 copy of SPIKED by Jon McGoran
  • US Only
  • The prize may be delayed due to shipping centers being affected by COVID-19.

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