Tour Sign-Up: Home Field by Hannah Gersen

/ Jun 30, 2016
Hello FFBC Team! We are now announcing a new tour we're hosting for Home Field, that was released on July 26th 2016 by William Morrow Paperbacks. The tour will run from July 26th to August 1st and there will be available the following types of posts: Review (Limited spots) Playlist (Blogger's Choice) Dream Cast (Blogger's Choice) Favorite Quotes...
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Tour Sign-Up: The Voyage to Magical North by Claire Fayers

/ Jun 28, 2016
Hello FFBC Team! We are now announcing a new tour we're hosting for Voyage to Magical North, that was released on July 5th 2016 by Henry Holt and Co. (BYR). The tour will run from July 22nd to July 28th and there will be available the following types of posts: Review (Limited spots) Interview (Only 2 Available) Guest Post (Only 2 Available) Playlist...
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Tour Schedule: The Killer in Me by Margot Harrison

/ Jun 27, 2016
The Killer in Me by Margot Harrison Publisher: Disney-Hyperion Release Date: July 12th 2016 Genre: Young Adult, Mystery, Thriller, Horror, Contemporary, Fiction Synopsis: Hasn't he lived long enough? Why not? I could take him like a thief in the night. This is how the Thief thinks. He serves death, the vacuum, the unknown. He’s always waiting. Always there. Seventeen-year-old...
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Tour Schedule: My Name is Milena Rokva (Alexandra Gastone #2) by T.A. Maclagan

/ Jun 24, 2016
My Name is Milena Rokva (Alexandra Gastone #2) by T.A. Maclagan Release Date: July 12th 2016 Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary, Thriller, Mystery, Fiction, Romance, Espionage Synopsis: After seven years living as Alexandra Gastone, Milena Rokva is now free to be her true self, if only she knew who that was or had time to find out. Milena is in a race against time to bring...
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