Tour Sign-Up: The Revelation Saga by S.L. Duncan

/ Jul 21, 2015
Hello FFBC Team! We are now announcing a new tour we're hosting for the Revelation Saga, by Medallion Press. The tour for the first book in the series, The Revelation of Gabriel Adam, will run from August 2nd - 14th and there will be available the following types of posts: Review (Limited spots) Interview (Only 2 Available) Guest Post (Only 1 Available) Video Interview Official...
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Review Request: Lost (The Caelian Cycle #1) by Donnielle Tyner

/ Jul 18, 2015
Hello FFBC Team! We are announcing a new ARC book in the FFBC Tours available for review: Lost written by Donnielle Tyner. It's a great Young Adult Extraterrestrial and Fantasy read. Remember that if you sign-up to review Lost, you will have four weeks to read and review the book. You'll have to submit your review links (This form will be attached in the email).  This...
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Movie Poster Design Contest

/ Jul 9, 2015
They Call Me Alexandra Gastone by T. A. Maclagan Publisher: Full Fathom Five Digital Release Date: May 20th 2015 Synopsis: When your life is a lie, how do you know what’s real? Alexandra Gastone has a simple plan: graduate high school, get into Princeton, work for the CIA, and serve her great nation.  She was told the plan back when her name was Milena Rokva, back before...
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Tour Schedule: Jubilee Manor (Landry Park #2) by Bethany Hagen

/ Jul 4, 2015
Jubilee Manor (Landry Park #2) by Bethany Hagen Publisher: Dial/Penguin Release Date: August 11th 2015 Genre: Dystopian, Young Adult, Romance, Science Fiction Synopsis: The thrilling conclusion to Landry Park is full of love, betrayal, and murder--perfect for fans of Divergent, The Selection, andPride and Prejudice. In Landry Park, Madeline turned her back on her elite...
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